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The Welsh language is included in the Language, Literacy and Communication Area of Learning. At St Robert’s Catholic Primary School, we believe it is important to learn the language of the country we live in and to celebrate our Welsh heritage and culture.

How do we develop Welsh?

Pupil Voice

We have a very proactive Criw Cymraeg at St Robert’s who have led various projects and initiatives, including developing Welsh yard games and celebration days such as Diwrnod Shwmae. 


Helpwr Heddiw

Children carry out 15 minutes of Welsh daily, exploring a range of language patterns appropriate to their age.  Children play a variety of games in these sessions as well as listen to and read Welsh books and learn the Welsh alphabet.


Cymraeg Campus

We are very proud to have achieved the Cymraeg Campus Bronze Award (November 2022) showing our dedication to raising the profile and promoting the Welsh language throughout the community.  We are now working very hard to achieve the actions set out in the Silver Award.  



All classes have a Welsh display, sharing appropriate language patterns.  Other displays, both in classrooms and throughout the school, have Welsh on them.  Children and staff alike are encouraged to use Welsh outside the classroom setting. 



We hold an Eisteddfod where we participate in writing, art, and singing competitions.  Classes perform Welsh songs and poems and there is a choir competition amongst the junior children.  We also have a chairing of the bard and Welsh folk dancing.  We really enjoy these days as a celebration of our Welsh culture and love to share these with our families is special taster sessions.


School Visits

To promote our local area and the wonders of Wales, our children experience visits and visitors to learn about Wales.  Learners have visited Fronmon Castle, the Senedd, St Fagans, Llangrannog (year 6 residential), had sessions with Welsh authors such as Eloise Williams and visited businesses in our local area, such as Cenin Renewables and Sony Pencoed.


Curriculum including RE

We have designed our curriculum so that we can develop within our children a strong sense of Cynefin or belonging.  We explore elements of Welsh history, geography, art and music, including those linked to not only Wales in the past but also Wales in the 21st century.  

Within RE, we have a focus on Welsh saints as well as learning prayers, such as the Hail Mary in Welsh.  During our class-led Gweddiwns, elements of the Welsh language will be used in responses. 



During the school year we celebrate a number of significant special events linked to Wales. We celebrate Shw mae Day, St Dwynwen’s Day, Dydd Miwsig Cymru, Wales reaching the World Cup and St David’s Day.


Why should we learn Welsh?

Learning Welsh at Home - Mae Cymraeg yn Cwl!

There are lots of very useful websites and apps that can help you to learn Welsh at home.  The document below has some great suggestions for you!  You can also try some of the following websites:

Below is a list of apps and websites that can help your child with their Welsh at home:

Campau Cyw

Fun games and activities from S4C

BBC—Foundation Phase

Animations and transcripts on a wide range of topics

Learn Welsh 

A site more for juniors to practise vocabulary, either words or sentences in a number of different ways.


Below you will also find our Seren a Sbarc placemat with lots of really useful language patterns that you can use at home - Rho Gynnig Arni-Give it a Go!