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Dosbarth Blodau

Croeso i Dosbarth Blodau's class page.

We currently have 22 Year 2 pupils in Dosbarth Blodau - I am Miss Hillberg the class teacher and our class LSO is Miss Robbins. On Wednesday mornings Ms Reynolds will cover my class for my PPA time. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to us.

Listed below is some information about Dosbarth Blodau which you will hopefully find useful. 

Snack Time - Children will have the opportunity to have a snack during the morning session. We ask that children bring a small piece of fresh fruit to have during snack time. As we are a healthy school, we ask that children only bring fresh fruit for their morning snack. Children will also be offered a drink of milk or water at snack time. Please ensure children bring a small water bottle to school to be kept in class throughout the day.

PE - PE days this term are Tuesday and Friday.

Tuesday - Indoor Session

Friday - Outdoor Session

Please make sure your child wears school tracksuit and trainers on these days for our outdoor PE session and for ease of changing when our indoor PE. All the children will be involved in games/other physical activities outdoors regularly throughout the week and, therefore, it is very important that they wear suitable footwear to school. 

Reading - Our reading day this term is a Friday.

Children will need to bring their book bags to school on a Friday. We ask that you make a comment in your child's reading diary, letting us know how they've read at home. Children will share their reading book with an adult at school on a Friday and a new book will be given as appropriate for your child to read at home throughout the week.

We would really appreciate your support for this in ensuring children continue to make the expected progress with their reading. It is important to provide your child with lots of opportunities to read at home throughout the week. 

Spellings - Our spellings this term are on a Friday.

Every week we will send home a set of spelling words for your child to keep working on. These are the words we will use in our spelling sessions on a Friday.

To ensure your child makes progress with their spellings, please allow lots of opportunities to practice these words at home and help them identify the words in their reading books and around them.


In Dosbarth Blodau we have superstar time at school every Friday. The super stats award is awarded for a variety of different reasons, e.g. good behaviour, trying hard at work, being a kind friend etc. 

Children will be presented with a superstar certificate for them to take home and keep and to celebrate their success at home with their family.

As well as these awards, we give out lots of Class Dojo points. Please make sure you are already signed up to class dojo for this year; to keep up to date with points your child has achieved and messages etc.

Our focus - Our topics this year will be

  • Autumn Term - All the World's a Rainbow 
  • Spring Term - Red Dragons and Rugby Balls 
  • Summer Term - Life on Earth / Nature Detectives

Key Dates